Take the guessing out of your bowling spectating! Here is the bowling schedule for the current competitive season!
about 2 years ago, Josh Lenaburg
22-23 Bowling Schedule
This week in GNC athletics. Basketball season is coming...
about 2 years ago, Josh Lenaburg
GNC Athletics Calendar
Take a look at this week's athletic schedule for GNC.
about 2 years ago, Josh Lenaburg
This week at GNC
Today, GNC Bowling competes in their first competitive match of the season! They face off against Tuckahoe at Bowlerland in the Bronx.
about 2 years ago, Josh Lenaburg
Bowling Match Day
GNC Bowling Roster
This Friday, from 9am-11am, students will have the opportunity to meet with some of our local businesses and public services. They will have the chance to speak with people in the field working a number of diverse jobs! Our transition department worked hard to bring a vast amount of people representing their fields. Just another way GA tries to help our students become the successful adults we know they'll become!
about 2 years ago, Josh Lenaburg
Career Day 11.18.22
Here is Mr. Extra helping to nurture the love of music with two of our great students!
about 2 years ago, Josh Lenaburg
Mr. Extra showing students how it's done!
This week at GNC - take a look at our athletics schedule for the week. It's almost time for basketball!
about 2 years ago, Josh Lenaburg
Athletics 11.14-11.18
Take a look at some fine GA students! Justin Neals takes the honors for our Upper School, and Hannah DeOliveira for the Lower School! Congrats! Well earned!
about 2 years ago, Josh Lenaburg
Justin Neals from the Upper School
Hannah DeOliviera from the Lower School
Every Wednesday, a small group of staff accompany several of our students up to Brewster for Equine Therapy with Pegasus Stables. It is an incredible experience. You truly get a sense of the deep and centuries old connection between humans and horses. Incredibly emotional creatures, horses give us a chance to reflect on who we are and we are perceived by others around us. Yesterday, we had the pleasure of having our principal, Paul Tobin join us for the afternoon! Now, on to the pics!
about 2 years ago, Josh Lenaburg
Our principal, Paul Tobin with one of our 8th grade students, Amir Perez
Spike leading the gorgeous Zaggy
Amir with Pegasus volunteer, Carol,  walk with Casey
Staff take pleasure in watching students overcome challenges
Parents! Please copy and paste these links to view our Student Code of Conduct. Use the link to the google form to indicate you read and reviewed the document as well as promising to support us in helping our students adhere to these rules that ensure we have a safe learning environment for all of us. Code of Conduct link: https://go.boarddocs.com/ny/gncufsd/Board.nsf/goto?open&id=BU5HDB479A1E Verification Form: https://forms.gle/HQxWnWSD9yUpBNzw7 We are unable to share the hyperlink here, but you can check the News Feed to find active links if you would rather do that.
about 2 years ago, Josh Lenaburg
Take a look at this week's GNC Athletics Schedule!
about 2 years ago, Josh Lenaburg
Week of 10.31
GA students visited the MoMA today (one of my favorite museums)! Students had the opportunity to work with a docent to help them gain insight in art and analysis of art. It looks like everyone enjoyed themselves!
about 2 years ago, Josh Lenaburg
Working with a docent
students strike a pose
 Taking notes
stand and study
It's Volleyball Time!! Come watch our students in their final match of the year! Seniors will be honored in a brief ceremony prior to the beginning of the contest. Game time is 4.30!!
about 2 years ago, Josh Lenaburg
Gameday!  4.30!
Our students participated in an anti-bullying poster making campaign! To ratchet up the fun, we judged the posters and gave the two best entries gift cards for their efforts.
about 2 years ago, Josh Lenaburg
Teachers with winning entry 1
Teachers with winning entry 2
Honorable mentions!
Yesterday GA students accompanied Ms. Reilly to a recycling center located here in Yonkers! It is so important for our students to see these places that are connected to our city's infrastructure!
about 2 years ago, Josh Lenaburg
Student with recycling art
Now that's a lot of recovered materials!
Girls' Volleyball today! 4.30 start at Clark Academy. Join us as our girls take on Woodlands MS/HS!
about 2 years ago, Josh Lenaburg
Gameday!  4.30!
Spirit Week is coming up! Let's get prepared! Next week!
about 2 years ago, Josh Lenaburg
Spirit Week next week!
It's Gameday! Help us cheer on the Girls' Volleyball team! They face off against Keio today!
about 2 years ago, Josh Lenaburg
Gameday!  4.30!
Join us for a free webinar Wednesday, October 26, 2022. It will begin at 7 pm. The webinar is "A View from the Inside: Special Education Attorneys with Disabilities." Link to register will be provided.
about 2 years ago, Josh Lenaburg
A View from the Inside
Athletics this week at GNC!
about 2 years ago, Josh Lenaburg
GNC Sporting Week