Kaplan PTA

Kaplan Career Academy is in the process of securing a charter for the Kaplan SEPTSA (Special Education Parent Teacher Student Association). We are going to need a lot of help to get going so we can plan some great activities and presentations for our school community! If you are interested in helping us out, please complete this form. Our meetings will all be held via Zoom to help accommodate families from the large geographical area that we serve. If you are interested in joining any of the committees below, please do and we'll add you to our spreadsheet and email lists. Committees will change periodically. Thank you in advance for your consideration and support.  

You can sign up through this link or scan the QR code on the flyer. 

We are having our first official meeting on February 15 at 7pm via Zoom. We are still looking for more members, especially parents.

If you would like to attend the first meeting, please RSVP by 2/13/2024 to BOTH kaplanSEPTSA@gmail.com and PTAStephanie@gmail.com

Your information will be forward to our Regional Director and she will add you to the Zoom invitation.

February SEPTSA Invite.jpg