As you may be aware by now, our Positive Behavior Intervention System using an online system called Live School to track points, is multi-dimensional. Some of the components include "Phones for Gold" which allows students to earn the privilege to have their phone returned to them at lunch for the rest of the day; a pretty bumpin' online block party hosted by yours truly (Voron) with the announcement of Students of the Week and our Wheel of Names prize winners (prizes include TVs, Beats Headphones, AirPods and more); and live activities in the building.
One of our more popular PBIS activities is the open music jam sessions with Mr. Extra and Mr. Johnson. Kids dance (to their dismay I also dance), sing, play music and enjoy life together so they go home ready for a safe and positive weekend! Other activities (pics to come weekly) include games, video games, gym time, fitness center, art and movie room.