The academic program at Kaplan Career Academy prepares students for a Regents Diploma or Local Diploma with an opportunity to achieve an additional career development credential through exposure to the Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) Curriculum. A Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential (SACC) diploma is awarded to students who are alternately assessed.
The New York State Learning Standards in the seven content areas guide the Kaplan Career Academy curriculum. As a result, students are prepared to successfully pass the Regents examination. Academic Intervention Services (AIS) are offered to improve reading and math skills as well as a means of providing needed preparation for NYS Regents. Regents examination preparation classes are also offered after school. All classes across curriculum areas have eight students, one teacher and one teacher assistant (8:1:1).
Kaplan Career Academy is committed to preparing students for post-secondary placements, including college, vocational training, armed services, and the workforce. A variety of vocational training opportunities are available at Kaplan Career Academy.
Students who will earn either a Local Diploma or the SACC may participate in a career path program that introduces students to a sequence of career development classes that also reinforce the common core. Students are provided an opportunity to select a mentorship and then an internship experience prior to graduation.